Sunday, 12 June 2011

Chores Can Help your Child Learn about Teamwork and a Strong Work Ethic

Chores can help develop a sense of responsibility and self worth in your child.  It should be understood by all family members they are expected and necessary to a household running successfully and efficiently.  They can help create a sense of unity and family and is a great place for your child to learn about teamwork.  Parents should take special care to handle the delegation of chores to children so they don't become a source of frustration or create arguments.
Allow your child to have an active say in the delegation of chores.  Give them choices.  We all have household chores that we don't like to do, but if it's a chore the child enjoys doing then there's less likelihood it will create a battle in the end.  The child will most likely appreciate having the chance to be heard and having a choice.
It's imperative that you set parameters early on for the successful completion of a chore.  They may not perform up to snuff when they first start performing the chore, but show them where improvement is needed and praise them for a strong effort.  Also make sure the child understands there will be repercussions if they only put forth a minimal effort. Ensure the child understands the need for the chore's effective and efficient completion. Set consequences for substandard completion as a team.  Make sure they see that if they don't perform their chores, it affects the other members of the team. Spouses must work together and be a strong example for their children by completing their own chores each day.  And don't allow a child to undermine your authority by battling with you over a designated chore.  Stand your ground and don't give in, and emphasize the consequence and negative effect an uncompleted chore has on the family. 
And keep an open mind when a child wants to discuss their thoughts or express their opinions about chores.  Make sure the conversation stays positive and on target.

Celebrate your Child's Uniqueness

Just like a snowflake or a fingerprint, every child is unique in their own special way. Every child has a unique way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing; some are active, while others are calm; some are fretful, while others are easy-going. As a loving and nurturing parent, it's your job to encourage them to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their individual qualities. 
Allow your child to express themselves through their interests.  They may find a creative outlet in theatre, dancing or art, or they may be exceptionally talented in the sciences.  Encourage them to embrace what they like to do, what interests them, and what makes them happy.  Help them realize that they don't need to worry about being 'like everyone else.'
Teach your child to make positive choices, and praise them for good deeds, behaviors and positive traits they possess.  Encourage them to become actively involved in their community, and introduce them to activities that promote a sense of cooperation and accomplishment.  Be firm yet fair when handing down discipline for misdeeds or misbehaviors, and make certain the rules and consequences for breaking the rules are clearly defined.  Show a cooperative, loving and united front with your spouse when it comes to discipline.
Accept and celebrate your child's uniqueness. Remember that your child is an individual. Allow your child to have his or her own personal preferences and feelings, which may be different from your own.
And finally, encourage your child to be true to themselves by doing the same.  Show your child how to make positive choices with the choices you make, and that nobody is perfect and you too make mistakes.  Show your child that mistakes can be a great learning experience, and that they should not be ashamed or embarrassed about making them.  .

Monday, 24 January 2011

Effects of Single Parenting On A Child

Effects of Single Parenting On A Child
Times have really changed. Old people always argue that the modern culture has forsaken and outgrouwn the values taught and instilled by old customs, beliefs and traditions.Moralists and conservative people are almost always raising their brows and expressing disgust over how current belief and culture systems are evolving. What has been unacceptable in the old world is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trends.Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are now very common have set minds of people that they actually are just normal and acceptable.

Single parenting
ne of the issues that were raising the ire of people decades and even centuries back is the issue of single parenting. A quick look at social philosophies link single parenting to adventurism and liberation of people.The Catholic Church has always been the dominating mentor and guide of traditions, norms and living. The church is so adamant to advocate the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage of matrimony.

That is why the procreation outside wedlock is strictly considered a ground for excommunication. It is one of the greatest sins, according to the Catholic Church, to engage in pre-marital sex.Single parenthood, in that sense, can be taken in as a punishment of some sorts, to the people who disobey the teachings of the church. But radical thinkers think otherwise. So, is it? Single parenting is becoming a rapidly rising trend in the society. Studies in the US alone indicate that there are four single parents to every ten parents, there are two single parents for every 10 adults in the country. Your great grandparents must be really turning up their graves of they could be able to hear such statistics. How times have changed!

The Child
Because single parenting or parenthood is somehow a choice and decision, taken by the parent, one voice is still unheard of. It is that of the child’s.Psychologists and advocates argue and insist that single parenting has adverse mental, emotional and psychological effect to the child. Tests from time to time validate that premise.Several studies have found that the child’s thinking and mental mind set is somehow altered or affected if that child was raised by a single parent.

Although single parents must be commended for raising a child alone, he or she should not be blamed for any mental or psychological result of the situation to the child, as psychological assert.Tests and observations have consistently concluded and found that single parenting makes children more aggressive and rebellious. Experts say the behavior could be the outcome of the angst and humiliation the child experiences while growing.

Because traditional and normal families have two parents, the mom and the dad, jointly raising kids, single parenting somehow makes the child feel abnormal, different and unaccepted.The society can sometimes be too cruel for such children, which can make things worse. Humiliation and awkward feeling of insecurity is dangerous if left untreated or undetected in the child. That child can take the burden for the rest of his or her life.

Thus, single parents and their children both need professional help through counseling. Reasonable advise and guides should be given both to the child and the single parent to make sure both of them deal with past, present and future issues from single parenting.Counseling from professionals can form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling.

Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive.

The Effects Of Single Parenting

Effects of Single Parenting : Coping With Reality
The number of single parents has increased over the last twenty years. The number of children who have been a product of single parents have continually grown as well. This is because the overall change in society has changed drastically over the past years.

How a person reacts to certain situations, and how one copes with change have affected decisions involving families today. Studies have shown that there are effects, whether positive or negative on being a single parent to children. Conflicting studies have shown that there are positive and negative effects of single parenting. Some studies show that children who have been exposed to single parenting have lower self-esteem that that of shared parenting.

On the other hand, some studies show that single or shared parenting does not have any effect on the growth or well-being of a parent. How a parent deals with a child, and oneself can mold the dynamics of the family, which can lead to the emotional well-being of both the parent and the child.

If the single parent relationship between the parent and child is carefully managed, the following positive outcomes may be felt within the family :
  1. Gradual lessening of tension- Prior to being a single parent, feelings of tension are present and are felt by the parents and children. Oftentimes, the feelings of the child are not felt by both parents. When the situation is explained to the child, this can lead to a feeling of understanding on why the separation happened. This understanding can help the child cope with the current situation, and thus gradually release tension towards the child’s parents, and to other people as well.
  2. More time with each other- Tension felt during the discussions on separation and divorce lead to neglecting children. Screaming matches, and not speaking to each other are common feelings felt by children and the parent.
  3. The effect of being a single parent thus gives more time to address the needs of children, and open communication channels between the two. Planning vacations, and bonding sessions with each other can be a result of this. More time would lead to a more relaxed family atmosphere.
  4. Re-establishing ties with the community- Children and parents can work together, and can even establish relationships with the community because of this effect of single parenting. 
  5. Single parents can ask help from their neighbors regarding the care of their children, such as baby-sitting or helping  out with household chores. This often leads to a positive feeling of involvement on both the parent and the child, and the neighborhood as well.
  6. Out of the box experience to the child- Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can broaden his/her experiences pertaining to life. The child is more sensitive and aware to what goes around his/her life, and can feel that the world does not revolve around him.
  7. A sense of accomplishment – When a child is designated with small responsibilities, a sense of accomplishment usually is felt. Since additional responsibilities have been added, a feeling of openness is added to the sense of accomplishment felt. This is because a feat has been done to help out in the household. This makes the child feel that he/she is an important member of the household.
  8. Prioritizing to lead to work and life balance – Single parents need to learn the value of prioritizing. Sometimes, new tasks are needed to be able to look for new types of jobs to support the family.
  9. Schedules, school and financial obligations need to be prioritized to be able to maintain work and life balance. Attaining work life balance is a continuous challenge to the parent, due to additional responsibilities of managing a family.
  10. Active role in decision making – Children can play an active role in the decision making of single parents. Single parents need additional minds to think most especially in making major decisions.

Effects Of Single Parenting

Unveiling the Possible Effects of Single Parenting
Times are rapidly changing. The elderly always argue that the modern culture has forsaken and outgrown the values taught and instilled by old customs, beliefs and traditions.Moralists and conservative people are almost always raising their brows and expressing disgust over how current belief and culture systems are evolving. What has been unacceptable in the old world is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trends.Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are now very common have set minds of people that they actually are just normal and acceptable.

The Child
Because single parenting or parenthood is somehow a choice and decision, taken by the parent, one voice is still unheard of. It is that of the child’s.Psychologists and advocates argue and insist that single parenting has adverse mental, emotional and psychological effect to the child. Tests from time to time validate that premise.

Several studies have found that the child’s thinking and mental mind set is somehow altered or affected if that child was raised by a single parent.Although single parents must be commended for raising a child alone, he or she should not be blamed for any mental or psychological result of the situation to the child, as psychological assert.

Tests and observations have consistently concluded and found that single parenting makes children more aggressive and rebellious. Experts say the behavior could be the outcome of the angst and humiliation the child experiences while growing. Because traditional and normal families have two parents, the mom and the dad, jointly raising kids, single parenting somehow makes the child feel abnormal, different and unaccepted.

The society can sometimes be too cruel for such children, which can make things worse. Humiliation and awkward feeling of insecurity is dangerous if left untreated or undetected in the child. That child can take the burden for the rest of his or her life.

Single parents

One of the issues that were raising the ire of people decades and even centuries back is the issue of single parenting. A quick look at social philosophies link single parenting to adventurism and liberation of people.The Catholic Church has always been the dominating mentor and guide of traditions, norms and living. The church is so adamant to advocate the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage of matrimony.

That is why the procreation outside wedlock is strictly considered a ground for excommunication. It is one of the greatest sins, according to the Catholic Church, to engage in pre-marital sex.Single parenthood, in that sense, can be taken in as a punishment of some sorts, to the people who disobey the teachings of the church. But radical thinkers think otherwise. So, is it?

Single parenting is becoming a rapidly rising trend in the society. Studies in the US alone indicate that there are four single parents to every ten parents, there are two single parents for every 10 adults in the country.Your great grandparents must be really turning up their graves of they could be able to hear such statistics. How times have changed!

Thus, single parents and their children both need professional help through counseling. Reasonable advise and guides should be given both to the child and the single parent to make sure both of them deal with past, present and future issues from single parenting. Counseling from professionals can form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling.

Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive.

Effects Of Single Parenting

Different Effects of Single Parenting to Children and Single Parents

What are effects of single parenting to adult? Single parenting is a tough and very challenging task. Many single parents suffer the negative effects of single parenting. Financial struggles is one of the negative effects of single parenting. This, however, can be solve by finding a job that can support both you and child. Single parents can also find a job within their local community that may afford them to sustain the needs of their children.

Single Parents should also learn to cut the cost of their daily expenses such as food, transportation, personal cost and child cost. Single parents should learn how to save their time and energy because they are playing two roles for their children. Cost cutting of food expenses like shopping food once a week with a list in your hand to lessen impulse buying. Shopping food alone at discounted grocery stores than in convenient stores with high prices may help you save some bucks too. Also, plan your meals for one week. As much as possible, use your electrical appliances efficiently.

Your personal and child cost can be cut by exchanging or sharing your services with friends like babysitting, window washing and gardening. You can also barter your talents like typing, sewing and painting. You can also trim your child’s hair by your own.

One of the negative effects of single parenting is isolation. You can overcome this by getting support from your family, relatives and friends and even social groups in your community. Try to mingle and participate in your church activities and activities held by your community. The lack of support, another negative effects of single parenting, can be remedied by establishing a connection and communication to the people around you. Communication is important for every single parent to make others understand their situation and gain support from them.

Emotional distress, also one of the negative effects of single parenting, can be conquered by letting yourself go on an emotion process aided by a professional. This emotional process is management of emotion from denial, anger, depression, bargaining and until you reach acceptance.

What are the effects of single parenting to children?
Not only adults suffer the negative effects of single parenting. In fact, children are the most affected by it. Children being raised with this type of parenting are in high risk of experiencing behavioral and emotional distress due to stress.

They may also have a hard time to adjust to their present situation a divorce or death of one of their parents. Children sometimes become confused, lonely, fearful, sad and angry.There's a solution to the negative effects of single parenting. If single parents will only have an open mind, they will understand that children needs proper care and enough love to understand and fight the negative effects of single parenting.

How to reduce the negative effects of single parenting? Healing your child from the negative effects of single parenting may be started by engaging your child into different activities that they love. Sports are good examples of activities that can help single parents and their children forget the hardships or traumatic experiences that they have gone through.

For married couples who are planning for a divorce, let your child know what's really happening with your relationship. Talk to your child and assure them that they are not the reason for the divorce. To reduce the negative effects of single parenting, single parents must talk to their children. Always. Let them express their feeling about the divorce, about the moving, and changing of schools. Let your children know that whatever happens to the marriage, you still love them. Parents, as much as possible, must settle their difference amicably so that their children can adapt easily to the situation and to lessen the tension on their part.

Children need security, a loving, nurturing and healthy environment for better emotional growth and psychological development. Whatever kind of family you have, children will grow up to be fine men or women even if they are a product of single parenting. It’s up to the single parent how they will raise their child into a loving and respectful person.

Dating Single Parents

I really admire single parents, with all the hardships in their life; they are still able to endure all of it. For their children, they are able to suck up everything that life has thrown at them. But single parents are humans too, with emotions that people usually feel. They also long for love and affection not only from their children but also from other people as well. They also long for a companion who would grow old with them. So for single parents to go on dates is not a distant reality.

First question about dating single parents is if it is right and proper for them to go on dates. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. They are single anyway. Plus everybody needs love and a partner in life, it is just sad if society will dictate it for them to be lonely all their life. They also have the right to be happy and be with somebody else who could support them in their life aside from their children.

Raising a family is also hard if you are the only one answering and supporting the family’s needs. As the saying goes, “it takes two to tango”, you will really need a partner to help you raise your family well. Life is hard to face when you are all alone.

Let’s face it, when the kids grow up they will have their own families and eventually move out. That is why it is perfectly of for single parents to date. People should not think that what they are doing is immoral because they are doing it for themselves and the children.

It is really hard for a single parent to find a partner that would easily accept them, there past and there present situation. Some even view them as immoral people because of certain factors. They tag single moms with immorality because of the early pregnancy, or that they got pregnant before they got married. Single dads are often looked at as irresponsible men or a cheater that is why their partners left them. But of course, there are so many outside factors that deal with that. Those are just some of the examples how society looks at single parents. 

In reality, single parents are hardworking and responsible people that are able to fend for their kids even if they are the only one supporting the family’s financial needs. It is just sad how they degrade them. People should not be judged because of the mistakes they have committed in the past.

For those who would look at single parents with an open mind and get to know them better, they would realize that these people are very responsible. They have dealt with almost all problems they could possibly encounter and overcame it. Single parents would be a very great partner because they are very mature and have different views on things. I really wish that these single parents would date and find a mature and responsible partner to help them in forming a new, strong and normal family.

If you are already dating a single parent, there are some issues you will have to deal with. The biggest issue that you will encounter is dealing with his/her children. When you are dating a single parent, it is as if you are also dating his/her own children. As you start to accept him or her as a person, you should already have first accepted the fact that the person that you love is already a parent. And that by loving him or her, you should already love the children.  Dating and having a relationship with a single parent is like a package, you already have an instant family.

For starters, you will have to get the trust of the person you want to have a relationship with. I guess you have to prove to him or her that you are mature, responsible and will be loving to his or her children. Once that is done and you are maintaining a relationship, you will have to get the trust of his or her children.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Dating Meeting A Single Parents Children

Meeting A Lover’s True Love: Dating and Meeting A Single Parent’s Children

Dating and meeting a single parent’s children can cause tension and nervousness between a new couple. A lot of expectations need to be set as this is not a conventional relationship. One person has no strings attached, while the other person has a huge string attached – a child. The person dating a recently single parent needs to be open and understanding as well. The person needs to understand that there are responsibilities involved, such as defensive feelings from children, as well as comparisons between the new person and the old spouse.

Dating is a combined feeling of excitement, nervousness and anticipation. Added to meeting a single parent’s children double these combined feelings for both you and your partner.  The question is, what are the “nice to knows” in dating and meeting single parent’s children?

On Dating
1)  Make sure that the previous relationship has no more to do’s- Studies have shown that the  feeling of being treated as a “rebound” is common when dating a single parent. This is because these newly single parents look for partners as soon as possible, to replace the feeling that they had with their own partners. Being the date, a person needs to make sure that there are no more strings to be addressed in the previous relationship of the single parent.

2)  Make sure to complement your date of his looks – Newly single parents invest on their looks to be able to boost their confidence. They enhance their looks by coloring their hair, trying on new make-up, experimenting on different scents or losing excessive pounds to prepare themselves on being available in the market again. Complimenting them on how they look will definitely boost their confidence and make your date more open to feedback.

3)  Manage expectations that you are different from the previous one- Comparisons are the main reasons for fights between a new single parent and his/her respective date. A newly single parent can either look for a date who has similar characteristics, or look for a date that is entirely different from his previous relationship. New dates need to make sure that he/she is different from the previous one.

4)  Maintain a non-sexual relationship with your date at the early stages of the relationship. Be open to the fact that your relationship can either work or not work. Having a sexual relationship may complicate things, most especially if your date has a child.

On Meeting a Single Parent’s Child/ren

1)  Understand that there are established routines already – When a single parents lets you meet his/her children for the first time, make sure to understand that there are routines already, and the child/ren see you as a threat to these routines. Just make sure to let them feel that you will not do anything to their routine.

An example is the weekly breakfast routine. When your partner brings you for this routine for the first time, the children will see you as a distraction who will soon take away their weekly routine.

2)  Delay the sleep-over– Children today are different in the way they think. Sleeping over connotes sexual relations, even if there is none between the two of you. Try postponing the sleep-overs when you feel that the children have accepted you already.

3)  Encourage your partner to separate dating and parent time – Ask your partner to separate dating and parent time. This will not compromise both of your feelings and avoid unnecessary tension.

4)  Be open to the fact that you will be introduced when your relationship has long-term potential. –Newly single parents will introduce you to their family if they see that what you have can escalate to a long-term commitment. If you are not yet introduced to his family, give it time.

These are just simple tips to help you out in the phenomenon of dating and meeting a single parent’s child/ren.  These tips can go a long way in maintaining a possible relationship between you and your partner.

Consequences of Single Parenting

There are a lot of consequences in being a single parent. It is not as easy as everyone imagines. There are so many issues surrounding a single parent. Some are good, but some are extremely bad. In everything that you do, there are consequences. And because being a single parent is an abnormality, society keeps a watchful eye on everything that you do. You always have to watch your actions so that it will not have a deterrent effect on your children. You also have to have an open communication with your children so that you will always have knowledge on what is roaming inside their mind.

Since being a single parent is vulnerable to gossips, we must always be knowledgeable of what is happening around us so that it would not affect our children. The biggest consequence of being a single parent is probably its effect on the child’s reputation and emotions. In a weak foundation, the child with a single parent might notice his or her difference with other kids. If not properly talked about, he or she might start thinking that he or she is different and it may be a reason for him or her to be disturbed. As a parent, you must always remind your child that he or she is not different from others. He or she is still a normal kid, just like everybody else.

The bulk of the responsibility is thrown mostly to the parent. And honestly, it is really the parent’s responsibility especially during the early ages of your son and daughter. You should always remind your child about his or her status and that it should not affect him or her as a person.  As a parent, you must really be hands-on with how you take care of your children. It is a must that your presence is always felt. That you are always there to guide your kid. It is important and a must that you efficiently perform your duties and responsibilities as a parent.

Single parents must be really close to his or her child. If you concentrate more on work and leave no time for your kids, there might be a gap on your relationship and you and your kid will not be that close.  You should also show your love to your kids for they lack affection. Since you are a single parent, you should give much more love as you are filling in the shoes of both a mom and a dad.

But that is not as easy as it sounds, because you are the only one that makes it work for you and your family. Of course, you cannot do it all by yourself. Single parents are not super heroes but they are close to it.

Time is the biggest enemy of a single parent. And because of that, the biggest consequence of it is having no time to spend with your kids. As a result, you may not be close to him. Another one is because of the lack of a parent figure inside the house when you are not around, the kids might lack the value that parents teach. Also, because of your absence, the children might not respect your authority as their parent. And at times, because of work, you might be not around during special occasions, like the kid’s birthday, PTA meetings, the child’s recital and other kid of events that require the presence of a parent. Since you are the only working with no support, you might not be able to attend to these and may cause trouble.

A kid requires a lot of work, and if you cannot attend to your child’s needs then he or she might look out for someone else. Your child might be prone to drugs and other bad deeds because of the lack of presence and attention inside the house. The child might even forget that he or she still has a parent.

You must remember it is not how long you spend your time with your kids; it is how you spend quality time with your kids. Even if you are tired from work, you must always let them feel your love. You may not always be physically present but what is important is that we instill in the values and discipline so that they would be able to face the world with the parent on the child’s mind. The most important thing is that they would understand the situation and respect you for what you are and not who you are not.

Children Of Single Parents And Crime Rates

Single Parents and The Rise of Crime Rates Among Children
The hardest thing to face as a single parent are the intense emotions associated with being both a mother and a father to a child. This is further magnified when the other parent is absent or is deliberately not doing anything to fulfill his part in the caring for the children. More often than not, the single parent's psychological well being bogs down.

Single parents might try to cope with this strain by either trying to compensate by adopting both mom and dad roles, or by scouring the social scene for a partner to help him or her in the rearing of the child. The pressure is definitely high.

However, if truth be told, none of the above will help. If anything, they might even cause you to become more stressed. And when you end up being more stressed than ever, chances are this will reflect and magnify on your child.

If you are a single parent, ask yourself. How does your behavior and general outlook toward life affect your kid? Upon closer scrutiny, you might just find out that your child's constant tantrums and bouts of unexplained anger might just be the result of your continuing negativity. It is for these reasons that you should be careful.

Several studies show that children coming from single-parent households are more susceptible to destructive or rebellious behavior, not just because society imposes the need for a two-parent structure, but also, more often than not, the custodial parent is either too guilty that he or she smothers his child, or too busy to make ends meet to show how much he or she cares.

According to one study, about 90% of the change in crime rates between 1973 and 1995 had been accounted for by children born into single-family setups and those that had been born outside of marriage. While this is not entirely true for all cases of that cover single parent households, we cannot discount the fact that majority of reports conducted in lieu of single parenthood and crime rates show that they are, indeed, linked. Children born into two-parent, or 'intact' homes, are also susceptible to committing crime, so it would be impulsive to generalize that all kids under one-parent households are likely to become criminals.

Sure, two-parent settings place some sort of balance to a child's psychological well-being. However, it should also not be discounted that kids who grew up under an unhappy but intact home are also prone to some form of destructive behavior. If you are a single parent, the best thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to be there for your child. You don't really need to be available 24-7 and spend so much just to show him or her that you care. The mere fact that you make it clear, in the occasions that you can, that your child's well-being is your utmost priority is enough.

Never forget to tell your child that you love him or her. Do away with discussing the negative, especially if it's against the other parent, no matter how distressed you are with him or her. If you are having trouble reaching out to your kid, particularly if you're realizing this need just now and your child is already a teen, seek counselling. Or have a one on one talk with your child so that both of you will understand each others feelings openly. Honesty is key in a single parent setting. If both parent and child are honest about what they think and feel, the less likely a rebellion would occur.

While you do feel somehow guilty for being a single parent (you may sometimes even think it's your fault that your kid is exhibiting rebellious behavior), you should immediately try to take it out of your system. Guilt will only magnify the ill effects on your child and might even push him or her further into ill behavior.Simply put, a positive attitude will do wonders. A happy household, whether in a two-parent or single parent setting, is still a happy household. And this is all that is going to matter.

Challenges Of Single Parenting

One of the hardest issues to survive in, as a single parent, is an overwhelming emotion that you should complete the role of both mother and father. This feeling evolves and will be more intense if the other single parent is not portraying a role that is active with the children.  You would probably fight this feeling often in two ways. Either you try to compensate by being both the mom or dad or you get on one of those wild life hunting explorations to search for a partner to fill in the other role. May I tell you a piece of advice? Neither one of these options will work. It is easier to say it than to do it.

Single parents
always bring this feeling of guilt for the reason that their children do not obtain the love and care they could be getting from another parent. So what are you supposed to do? It is a very difficult situation. For example, you are a single father with three children. This gets even more complicated if two out of the three are girls and you will have to choose between being a mom or to hunt for the mom to be able to have a better orientation for your daughters.

You would most probably go on an exploration to fill the second. Not a year has passed and you would probably go back to being a single parent.  As mentioned, this is never the answer. The lesson on that example is that you cannot replace the mom or the dad. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to find people who are ready to be a huge portion of both yours and your children’s life. What is really meant is that this should not be the reason of the relationship you from.

Instead of feeling that you need to replace your wife or your husband for your kids, why don’t you focus on what you need to provide or give to them? Being a single parent is not a reason for you to feel guilty. You should rather be proud that your sons and daughters have you. This article is written to help you, single parents, realize that your children love you and if you are going to find another spouse or feel guilty, you are not going anywhere. Yo have to comprehend that single parents do not have to have a mate to make your kids glad.

If you are a single parent, then you are probably strongly thinking that you should fill both roles. This is empowered by the feeling of guilt for fitting our children in difficult positions. You have to get over this and recover as fast as you could. You are only human; you are not a super hero. You cannot do everything by yourself and you should never feel that you are second best just because of this.

Your children do not all the time give a helping hand either. Children are not evil, crazy or anything of that kind, they are just being what they are, kids. It is what kids always do, and it turns out that it really works well for them. You need to adapt to working with your kids with your own provisions and not feel lower than appropriate for the reason that you cannot do something.

In total, you gain the respect of your kids if you follow what this article just said. No matter how much and how well you try, you surely cannot be both your children’s mom and dad. So take this as an advice, quit trying. You do not need to be fit and lean to make your kids love and appreciate you. They love you just the way you are. You should even appreciate yourself first in order to make your children and others appreciate you. You should know that parenting exercise is different.

Hmmm… You are most probably thinking that being a single parent drains your energy and will not let you have time for yourself. Well, tell you what, it does not. It helps you become stronger and it makes you appreciate yourself because of what you do.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Black Single Parents: Seek Help And You Shall Receive

If before single parents were being scorned in public and were regarded as immorals, this attitude has, fortunately, been reversed in our days. Single or divorced parents are treated equally and are in fact being given special considerations by the Federal Government because of the hardships that single parents are facing in order to properly raise a child or children.

This special considerations are not only for 'white' Americans. Black single parents, just like any other citizens of the United States, may avail of the special programs that the Federal Government has for American single parents.

In Arkansas, black single parents may enrol for a scholarship program. They may attend college for free, while they receive a monthly stipend to help their way in school. In Arkansas, they believe that if black single parents are educated, or any other American single parents for that matter, their child or children will grow up a better person and citizen.

Everything starts from a family; and in Arkansas, they think that not only a household with a mother or a father can be properly called a family. Even a family being headed by a black single parent can create a happy, successful and peaceful family.

Black single parents who are currently jobless may get assistance from the local government for job placement. The local government will locate a job near the residence of the applicant so as for him or her to manage his or her household while he or she is earning for a living.

In fact, while a black single parent is in the process of job hunting, the local government may assist him or her with the monthly expenses that his or her household may accrue, until such a time he or she finds a job.

Local governments may suggest to black single parents, especially females, to work home based so that they can have more quality time with their child or children. It is now a fact that the internet is not just a medium where a black single parent may meet a new date. Everyone, especially those who has the will to do so, may earn decently through the internet.

Top online shopping marts on the net today rake if not millions, billions of dollar as profit. Black single parents can partake too with the yearly billion dollars of marketing and for profit transactions in the internet. They can sell their own goods via net, and they can offer too their services via net. 

They can work as a virtual secretary, content writer, forum posters (yes, they can be paid for that), or marketing or ad clickers. There are various legitimate jobs on the internet.  All they have to do is scout via net for a telecommuting job and check their registration at the Securities and Exchange Commission if they really are a legitimate online business.

For household management, black single parents may find group therapy sessions designed for single parents helpful. Group therapy sessions are not only for the disturbed; these help groups are created with the help of the local government to assist white and black single parents in household management. 

Even before problems arise, this help groups are there to teach white and black single parents on how to maintain harmony in his or her household and how to be both a mom and a dad to their child or children.

So, of course, when problems arise, these help group will support white and black single parents all the way.  They will serve as a shoulder to lean on for white and black single parents who are not with any person to confide their problems with. Besides, sharing ones problems with a co-single parent is the same as sharing ones problems to a friend who understands.

White and black single parents must not pass the opportunities that the local government has in store for them. They can't stubbornly claim that they can raise their child or children on their own. They must accept the help that the local government has extended for them. These help are for the betterment of their household and should not be passed up simply for pride.

The Effects Of Single Parents And Black Males

Single parents are everywhere. The US Census found that in 2002, three out of ten children in the United States were raised and are living in with single parents. It is believed that the figure has further gone up nowadays. Today, it is estimated that single parents, or the number of single parents in the society, are far more, or have significantly grown over the years.

The assumption can be attributed to the growing perception that single parents are now enjoying the comfort and acceptance by the society that previously were not accorded or provided to them. Black males are a significant demographic section where the number of cases of single parenthood is significantly and rapidly increasing.

Experts say black males being single parents at the same time pose greater challenge to the person. For one, racial or color discrimination, although the issue is not existing politically anymore, is still bugging a number of African Americans in the country.

Second challenge for the single parents who are black males is their gender. It is found that male single parenting are far lagging behind female single parenting. Although feminism is now on the run, and men and women have equal right, men still are not comfortable to assume domesticated roles in the society.

That is why a number of efforts are initiated by experts and psychologists. To reach the black male- single parents demographic, articles, books and expert advise on single parenting are provided and made accessible over the Internet.

Hence, there are a number of literature or articles that are accessible online and that are targeting the black male single parents around. Here are some of them:

Parent Trapped: Dating for Single Parents’. This article is authored by an unnamed single parent. He himself is very much involved in the issue, based on his status. Thus, it takes one to really and effectively know one. The single parent reader, probably and purposely male black, can relate to the predicaments, joys and experiences of the author. This will be a great reading experience for them.

The Bad Rap Against Mothers’. The article is published in a well-know and main steam magazine years ago but is so beautifully written that the essence is far living its life span. The article is written by a single mom, who was abandoned by a black male lover or partner.

The Bad Rap Against Mothers, Part 2’ is the second installment or spin off of the first. The article aims to help readers by enumerating and analyzing the hardships and difficult situations single parenthood poses to single moms. In this article, the single mom-author imagines how it could have been if she had been the one to leave his black male ex-partner.

The Bad Rap Against Mothers, Part 2’ also aims to create the next generation of very ‘exceptional men’ who will grow up gracefully with manners and principles that will never ever aim to hit or disrespect women and other beings. The author believes single parents can do exactly that—raising good and well-founded men.

 ‘Come Back Home’ is excerpted from the very popular and best-selling ‘Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul: Stories of Hope, Healing and Humor’. The article incites that every single parent has his or her own different and personal story to tell.  However, the differences are bounded and should be unified by the thread of comfort and of hope that aims to give out peace of mind to everyone.

Get More Time with your Children and Manage Your Child Support’ is written basically and particularly for black males who are also single parents. The article can also apply and touch the hearts of white males who are also single parents. Through the article, readers will have a sneak peek at the personal and actual expenses and money issues surrounding male single parents, both black and white.

Dreaming Through the Twilight’ is somehow mushy and cheesy as the title implies. However, the article, which is also published in a book---a collection of personal diary-style articles---is so profoundly written. The article targets principally the black male single parents who are difficultly dealing with their current single parenthood situations.

Single Parenting and Black Males

Single parenting is becoming a fast-growing trend in modern societies, not just in the developed countries around the world but also in the third world or to term it the more politically correct word, developing countries.

Times have really changed since those days when single parents were treated as outcasts of the society. Previously, especially during those times and era when values and morals were strictly imposed within societies, single parents were treated as if their situations were some sort of punishment to them.Single parenthood is not unique to the average white men and women in the United States. It can be noted that the black race or the so-called African Americans in the country are also subject to the issue and concerns regarding single parenthood.

Thus, the number of black males who are also single parents in the country and also in other nations are currently the same and equal to the number of white males who are single parents.The borders and difference separating the black race from the white have really disappeared and melted that issue previously concerning whites are now also issues hounding the blacks.

Thus black male single parents are now living on an era when single parents are treated with much respect and dignity than the way they were treated by he previous generations.

Black males and the single parenting
Single parenting is also not unique to the average black males. The US Census of 2002 estimates that three in every ten children in the United States are raised by single parents. What is so vague about the statistics is that the demographics were not clearly defined, meaning the actual number of black males who are also single parents are not really identified or set out.

It is assumed, however, that the number of single parents who are incidentally also black males rise along with  those of white males, or of female counterparts. It can be noted, however, that the modern society is knowledgeable and informed about safe sex and contraceptives. But, there are instances when contraceptives don not really work as intended, and so the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted birth of children are rapidly rising.

Black males who are also single parents do experience the same experiences and issues being reported and experienced by other single parents around the world. Black males who are also single parents are also now equally privileged as their other counterparts. They are also qualified for compensations and financial assistance and support from the federal government.

Articles about single parents and black males
There are a number of literature or writings that tackle the issue of single parenting particularly and specifically for the black males. It is assumed that male single parenting is very hard because males, in general, are not domesticated.

The traditional and conventional norms of the society have it that males are not really completely coping up with the challenges of single parenthood. Psychologists do assert that male single parents are far worse compared to their female counterparts, because females are more emotionally stabled to cope with the single parenthood situation.Here are some of the recommended reading digests that black males who are also single parents could read. The following articles are so timely and will surely be helpful to the black males who are also single parents.

The articles are accessible online, for everyone to read them. Read on.
Black Men: the Crisis Continues” by Slaim Muwakkil. The article came out and was published in one of the modern magazines. The article touches on the political issues hounding the black population, particularly the black males.

The Blak Family: 40 Years of Lies” by Kay S. Hymowitz. The magazine article discusses the social implications of single parenting among black males and in the general the whole black race.

Parent Trapped: Dating for Single Parents” is an article available online that tackles the issue of single parents finally moving on with life to experience dating once again. Issues bugging black males regarding single parenting are discussed.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Articles On Single Parenting

Articles On Single Parenting - Articles On Single Parenting Becoming Popular in Modern Days

There are many articles concerning about single parenting. Single parents need not worry on how to handle your situation as a single parent to your children.

You may search for articles like this one through various website and even in local magazines. For more brief and precise articles about single parenting, you may also visit the libraries and bookstores. Reading and understanding the articles for single parenting may give you tips and guides in handling your day-to-day relationship with your children.

Because of the growing number of people who are becoming single parents caused by break-up of marriage, teenage pregnancies, divorce and death of other partner, the publication of articles on single parenting have also increases. There is a growing demand for self-help tips in raising a child or children by a single parent.

There are articles on single parenting that focuses on a single mom or dad who lose a husband or a wife because of death. These articles help a widow or widower handle grief and how to continue their life without a partner in life.

There are also articles on single parenting that teach about proper caring of infants, toddlers and kids who are in school already. These articles cover the basic management of kids' tantrums and their attitudes towards you as a parent and to other people. Single parents, especially teenage single mother, will also gain knowledge from these articles on single parenting such as basic childcare, bathing an infant, first aid techniques..

A woman who is expecting her first baby without a partner to help her in child rearing may also benefit from the contents of these articles on single parenting. These articles will show her to take care of her body during and after pregnancy.

It is also good for every single parent to start reading articles on single parenting and child psychology so that she could raise her child morally upright. When their child grows and starts asking questions, they must know how to answer these questions, most especially the sensitive ones. Do not take for granted the questioning of your child because you would not know the effect in the event that you ignore them.

Children who are raised in a wrecked home or are the product of a teenage pregnancy are said to be more sensitive than children who are raised in a normal home because they feel that they are the usual topic in school and in their community. You must help to cope up by searching on the articles on single parenting that will solve the problem of your child. You must obtain a regular communication with your child so that you can also monitor his companions, his favorite things to do and problems he is encountering outside your home.

There are articles on single parenting that you must disregard especially those that only confuse. Remember that articles on single parenting are written by humans only, and human are not perfect. Many authors of articles on single parenting use their opinions as their basis of writing their articles. Sometimes it is not informative.

To avoid waste of your money examine first the articles on single parenting before you purchase. Articles on single parenting must be informative, specific and goal oriented. Articles on single parenting should be informative in a way that you can gain learning, knowledge, methods, and ideas that can help you in your way of raising your child and becoming you as a better person.

Articles on single parenting must contain specific and more precise information for easy understanding. Most single parents are commonly on the lower income earner and sometimes force to stop their education to support their child. Single parents need to feed useful articles regarding single parenting that is understandable to apply the knowledge as possible.

Authors of articles on single parenting are advised to feature articles that are more on a goal-oriented topic. Every single parent goal is to secure better future for the children.

Authors may write an article on single parenting that is more inspirational in achieving their goal. They may also discuss topics that will establish their morals and strengthens their faith and give them strong determination in achieving success.

For those single parents who are cutting their cost on buying things to save for the most essential needs, they may visit public libraries near their place. They may borrow articles on single parenting that is functional for them. Single parents must not stop on learning for they will be their child's first teacher.

Single parents must show their child that they are interested in learning to make them a role model and children will also become interested in studying and reading materials. Children of young age are very willing to attend school and learn their alphabet.

Children must gain support from the parents in also achieving the goal of their child. Education is one of the rights of the child. Do not disappoint your child. It is better to enhance the talents and abilities of children than make them useful and productive.

Articles on single parenting are great help for single parents in guiding the path of every child and make them leaders of your community.